This is...

"Why is oxygen important? To be able to breathe and live. The same applies to freedom. The freedom to be yourself, to speak out - without that life is suffocating."

Until January 1, 2023, Mulder will be Secretary-General at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Previously, she was responsible for immigration, among other things. Since her study international organizations she has focused on issues related to the distribution of security and prosperity - both internationally and nationally. Membership of the board of the Roosevelt Foundation ties in with that, the Four Freedoms are exactly that.

Mulder's best memory of the first ceremony she attended was the night before the award ceremony, in combination with the ceremony itself. Some of the laureates rehearsed their speech the night before, after dinner. "They wanted to do well in that room full of guests, but they found it exciting. Their power was visible during their speeches during the formal ceremony. All the guests in the room felt: wow, they are impressive. And during lunch, we all were doing our best to think about how we can contribute to society that comes close to these heroes. Nice, humble people and so powerful at the same time. Impressive."

Loes Mulder
Bestuurslid Loes Mulder
Board member since

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