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In 1990, the Freedom of Speech Award was given in memory of those who helped destroy the Iron Curtain with their voices. Andrei Sakharov is their symbol, one of the bravest men of our time. Adrian Brine read a poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko in memory of Sakharov.

Freedom of Speech Award
Those whose voices helped destroy the Iron curtain
Those whose voices helped destroy the Iron curtain

Dedicated to the memory of A.D. Sakharov

The heart went on strike,
as if it were a mine.
Just yesterday,
hair even whiter in the snow,
he left the Kremlin, hatless,
through ghosts of boyars,
and leaders.
Malyuta spied on him in the powdery snow,
and so did Beria,
and that pock-marked butcher….

His last words to his wife
and the world were:
"Tomorrow there will be a battle…."
History's most peaceful rebel,
in dying, he
did not come down from the cross,
but he left a horrifying hole
in the moral fabric of the world.

There is no strike more terrible,
But in defiance of advancing death
stoop shouldered,
face whiter than a leaflet,
he raised his fists above the Congress's jeers.

Not vengeance,
not personal spite,
but reason led him to save the country
from rule by arrogance,
which had turned into war against the self.

He understood, in premonition of the end,
boos still ringing in his ears:
that unenlightened semifreedom was just a step away from enlightened freedom.

O, Homeland!
weary of tears and groans,
and prisons,
and hospitals,
don't grow accustomed
after the murder of millions
to the loss of individual geniuses.
The pivot of a nation
is an individual.
A nation is made up of people,
not zeros.

O Homeland!
to keep from freezing over,
learn at last to be warmer toward your geniuses.
We 're too closely enmeshed
with the base and the unclean,
and if we solve complexities crudely,
head on,
we will have to weep over the idealists
we hound to the grave.

Will we be able to avert apathy
and keep up our spirits and our conscience,
and worry how to earn our freedom
where power belongs to everyone
and the only authority is conscience?
Let's unite at the fateful mountains pass!

As long as our hearts
bear up under the load
and do not tire,
do not go on strike….
As long as there is a tomorrow,
tomorrow there will be a battle.


Translated, from the Russian, by Antonina W. Bouis. December 15, 1989. 

Other laureates from 1990

 Jacques Delors
 Jacques Delors
International Four Freedoms Award

Vaclav Havel & Jacques Delors

Laszlo Tokes
Laszlo Tokes
Freedom of Worship Award

Laszlo Tokes

Jonkheer Emile van Lennep
Jonkheer Emile van Lennep
Freedom from Want Award

Jonkheer Emile van Lennep

Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal
Freedom from Fear Award

Simon Wiesenthal