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Jonkheer Emile van Lennep received the Freedom of Want Award in 1990 for his good work in the international field. This included enabling Marshall Aid at home and persuading to apply Western economic models to countries with development problems.

Freedom from Want Award
Jonkheer Emile van Lennep
Jonkheer Emile van Lennep

More about Van Lennep

Emile van Lennep was born in 1915 in the Netherlands. From 1951 to 1969, he worked at the Ministry of Finance. Van Lennep was secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from 1969 to 1984. In 1985, Van Lennep negotiated on behalf of the Dutch government with Venezuela over Shell's oil refinery in Curaçao. He was appointed Minister of State in 1986. Van Lennep died in 1996 in The Hague, the Netherlands.

Positions and articles

Van Lennep held the following positions:

● Minister of Finance (1951 - 1969)
● Secretary-General OECD (1969 - 1984)
● Minister of State (1986)

Other laureates from 1990

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International Four Freedoms Award

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Those whose voices helped destroy the Iron curtain
Freedom of Speech Award

Those whose voices helped destroy the Iron curtain

Laszlo Tokes
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Freedom of Worship Award

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Simon Wiesenthal
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Freedom from Fear Award

Simon Wiesenthal