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In 1994, Bosnian lawyer and human rights activist Dr Zdravko Grebo received the Freedom from Fear Award. He received the award for his impressive efforts to bring peace between the warring forces in Sarajevo. He also received the award for his convincing speech for a peaceful existence in Bosnia, where multiple cultures live together in peace and accept each other.

Freedom from Fear Award
Zdravko Grebo
Zdravko Grebo

More about Dr Grebo

Dr Zdravko Grebo was born in Bosnia in 1943, but liked to call himself Yugoslav. By doing so, he indicated his dissatisfaction with the country's separation from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr Grebo was a professor of law at the University of Sarajevo. At the beginning of hostilities in Yugoslavia, he founded the free and independent radio station Zid the Wall. In addition, Dr Grebo was also founder and director of Soros, The Open Society Fund. According to him, the foundation was a useful tool to protect civilization in an area suffering violence and destruction. A key goal is to end fighting and achieve peace between ethnic groups in Bosnia. Dr Grebo ensured better assistance to victims of violence and reliable information flows. He died in 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Positions and articles

Dr Grebo held the following positions:

● Founder and director of Soros, The Open Society Fund (1992 - 1997)
● Founder of radio station Zid The Wall (1990s)
● Professor of law at University of Sarajevo

He filmed the documentary Pismo (Letter) with footage from 1968 and 1993.


Other laureates from 1994

His Holiness the Dalai Lama
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
International Four Freedoms Award

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
Freedom of Speech Award

Marion Gräfin Dönhoff

Gerhart M. Riegner
Gerhart M. Riegner
Freedom of Worship Award

Gerhart M. Riegner

Sadako Ogata
Sadako Ogata
Freedom from Want Award

Sadako Ogata