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Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received the International Four Freedoms Award in 2012 for overcoming the challenge of economic growth and reducing social inequalities. He also helped to found the central trade union organisation Central Única dos Trabalhadores in 1983.

More about Da Silva

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was born in São Paulo in Brazil in 1945. A social democrat and former prisoner, he was the country's most left-wing Brazilian president since 1964. Da Silva helped found the central trade union organisation Central Única dos Trabalhadores in 1983. He became honorary president of this labour party. During Da Silva's eight years as president, Brazil won the challenge of economic growth and reducing social inequalities. During this period, 15 million jobs were created. Between 2003 and 2009, 27.9 million people emerged from poverty, while 35.7 million climbed to the middle class.

Positions and publications

Da Silva held the following positions:

● President of Brazil (2003 - 2011)
● President of the Central Union of Workers


● The Edge of Democracy

Other laureates from 2012

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